Monthly Archives: December 2012

A Christmas Miracle

“For nothing is impossible with God.” Luke 1:37

My boys and I have been making crafts each day surrounding the story of Christmas (if you’ve never heard of it, check out Yesterday as we were reading about Mary, my boys and I said over and over again “For NOTHING is impossible with God!!!” I’ve blogged about it before, but I felt compelled to write again that God alone is the One who can change us. And while we may feel hopeless in our situations, NOTHING is impossible with Him.

Before thinking of your situation, take time to ponder the miracles of the Lord today and His amazing deeds. He separated the darkness from light; He created man in His image; He rescued the Israelites from slavery; He parted the sea so the Israelites could cross on dry ground; God shut the mouths of lions for Daniel; He saved Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from the fiery furnace; He saved Esther and the entire Jewish nation that was about to be annihilated; He granted David victory over the giant Goliath; and He brought us a Savior in the form of a virgin birth.

Friend, if you think God can’t rescue you, I think you are sadly mistaken.

The first step in real life transformation is believing that God can do a miracle in your midst. During this season, trust in His power, walk in His grace, choose to think about His truth and believe that He wants the best for your life. The message of Christmas is GOOD news!!! For ALL people!!! We have a Helper, a Redeemer, a Restorer, a Gift from God to save us from our sin!

I look back over this past year of losing over 50 lbs, and I give all the glory to God. I looked at my life and thought it was impossible to ever change. After all, I love to eat and I am lazy by nature. But, when I turned my eyes to Him, I realized that NOTHING is impossible with God.

So, now as we face new obstacles and new changes in life, I’m trusting on the same promises that God is GOOD, God is FAITHFUL, God is MIRACULOUS and God is RIGHTEOUS. Let’s praise Him together. No matter what you face today, think of the angel Gabriel saying to Mary “For NOTHING is impossible with God.” Say it again out loud this time…over and over again! Say it hopping on one foot, say it holding your tongue (my boys’ favorite), say it turning around as fast as you can. But, keep saying it. Keep believing it. Keep GOING!

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise You for being Almighty! Lord, as I’m reading Job I realize that sometimes circumstances in our life might seem tough but we have no idea what glory awaits us just around the corner – YOUR glory! We want to take our eyes off ourselves today and look to You and Your majesty and praise You for Who You are and the precious Gift You’ve given us in the form of Your Son; His blood has covered our sin and made us new before You. Thank You, God! It is in this hope that we know You can change our lives, our habits, our appearance and most importantly our hearts. Help us obey You today and trust in Your miracles and believe in Your blessings. Thank You for being faithful to us! Thank You for loving us even though we don’t deserve it! We glorify and honor You! Please help us as only You can – please make us healthy and thin and financially well off. May Your will be done in our lives. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!