Monthly Archives: April 2015

A Peace in the Puzzle

Have you ever seen someone post incessantly to Facebook? No matter how much you love the person, deep down inside you think, “I don’t need to see yet another selfie or hear exactly what you ate for lunch…” Perhaps you’re that person taking over everyone’s news feed! But, perhaps you’ve fallen to the other end of the spectrum. Have you ever just felt insignificant? Perhaps you’ve been praying about an issue and are beginning to feel like God is far too busy with world issues to care about the details of your life. Instead of hoping for 50+ likes on yet another photo of your gorgeous smile, you fear there’s not a soul that would care if you didn’t post anything.

I confess I’ve struggled in this area. Does my life have value to others? We really don’t know a lot of folks since moving – would anyone notice if I just disappeared altogether? Sure, my husband and kiddos would see a gap – until my man remarried someone blond and leggy and a decade younger and hired a lovely nanny who I’m sure could cook better and would never get angry and always have amazing Pinterest activities to do with the kids… Really, it’s easy to think we don’t measure up to what we “should be” because all we see is the glamorous side of other people’s lives – the selfies taken at the perfect angle of awards won, scrumptious new recipes mastered and kiddos playing happily. It’s rare to see some honest, relevant, down-to-earth sharing. (And even if such things are shared, it’s often by the same person who has given a play-by-play of their entire day! Haha!)

As I was thinking about such things, the thought came to mind of a 1,000 piece puzzle. Have you ever tried to put one together? If you can’t find a piece to an area, it can drive you bonkers. You may finish a certain section and think “aaaahhh – where is that one final piece to this part?” And if you find it, the joy that it brings is more than the rest of the hundreds of pieces that are already in their place. Truly, each single piece is needed! On the other hand, is one piece so special that it can be the star of the show? Not really. A piece by itself is just an odd shape with some color to it. Necessary in the grand scheme? Absolutely! Worthy of everyone’s attention and 1,000 selfies? Truly, no. But, in all honesty, do any of those puzzle pieces make any sense without the one who is putting it together? Only the one who sees the greater picture can understand what fit and role each piece has to offer and where each one belongs. Our lives only make sense in community and together when God – who sees the greater picture – places us where we belong to “fit” in with others. Without Him, our lives won’t make sense.

This picture of the puzzle reminded me of the verses in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 where we see that God has created us as individuals to serve as one larger body. You may not be the most gorgeous person in the world, the fastest runner, the best baker, the most talented musician, the award-winning athlete, the mom of perfect children, the best dressed or even mediocre at everyday activities. But, you have a special role to play in the greater picture of God’s bigger plan! You may not “grow up” to be the president of the United States, have your own TV show, write columns for the Wall Street Journal or sing on American Idol. But, you are important! You may not be Queen Esther, but you were certainly born for “such a time as this.” Each role that you play, each gift that you have, each thing that you are good at is important to God and to those you share life with.

I love when I read stories of how XYZ person was the Sunday school teacher of someone famous and influenced his or her life. Even take the ancestral line of Jesus and you’ll find some pretty “ordinary” men and women who God used in His greater story. You may not know the importance of your role in ‘history’ on this side of eternity. But, you weren’t put on earth by chance. You are dearly loved by God and He has plans for your life.

So, when the enemy starts making you think that you are insignificant, unworthy and unnoticed in the world and by the God of the Universe, take those thoughts captive and remind yourself of the truth instead. Start looking for ways to love God and love others, and you’ll see where you fit. If you’re feeling puzzled, remember you are a special piece in a bigger plan!

Father God, we thank You for being the Master Creator. While we think that you must be far too busy to think about us, we forget that you are God and can handle even the details of all the things you’ve made. You aren’t limited by human perception and abilities! You care about us and our lives. We trust that You answer prayers in Your time, and that timing is perfect. We submit our lives to You and ask You to place us where we belong – help us see the fit in the bigger puzzle. May we use each of our abilities and talents for Your glory and to the best of our ability. Where we feel like we fall short, please help us. May we love and serve You and love and serve others around us. Thank You for Your mercy and grace and love. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!